Karkwa la grande réunion d'octobre 2017

Karkwa la grande réunion d'octobre 2017

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dimanche 24 janvier 2010

Karkwa live on CBC radio2

This is the weekly thing where I tell you what's coming up on Canada Live, or rather I pass it along. Every weeknight Canada Live on CBC Radio 2 brings you live concerts recorded all over Canada. Someone at Radio 2 passes the list on to me, and I pass it on to you.

Friday, January 29, 2010

concert 1: Karkwa

recorded at the Théâtre du Vieux-Terrebonne in Terrebonne, Québec

Karkwa is one of Quebec's hottest bands. They have seduced audiences across the province, as well as in Europe, with their edgy style, their inspired musicianship, and the contemporary poetry of their lyrics. In 2006 the band was honoured with the Félix-Leclerc Award, and they jointly received the Félix for best singer or composer alongside music titan Pierre Lapointe. In April 2008, ten years into their remarkable career, Karkwa released Le volume du vent (loosely translated as "Volume of the Wind"), their landmark third album. It has garnered a ton of awards. Canada Live caught up with them in Terrebonne, north of Montreal, as part of their recent tour across the province.

Extract from Article "Neko Case, the Great Lake Swimmers and the Great Canadian Song Quest on Canada Live" Saturday, January 23, 2010

3 commentaires:

  1. bon jour, I noticed you posted a karkwa listing from gruvr and thought you might like to know you can also get a feed of local vancouver concerts to put on your blog, right here http://gruvr.com/feed/?geo=vancouver-colombie-britannique

  2. Merci pour votre information, Thank you for your information Gruvr !

  3. Pas de problème! laissez-moi savoir si je peux aider. J'ai oublié de mentionner que vous pouvez aussi mettre cela sur votre site pour aider les gens à Karkwa titre: http://gruvr.com/add/karkwa/


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Avertissement: Ce blog à pour but de regrouper et archiver les articles parus sur le net à propos de Karkwa. Il est fait par amitié pour les membres du groupe et leur entourage. Les liens vers les sites et articles d'origine sont faits, les auteurs sont cités lorsque possible. Si quiconque se sentait lésé dans ses droits, il n'aurait qu'a me contacter pour que je puisse remédier à la situation.