Karkwa la grande réunion d'octobre 2017

Karkwa la grande réunion d'octobre 2017

Depuis la pause de décembre 2011

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vendredi 22 avril 2011

Sing in French though that really shouldn't stop you from digging them

Shifting gears, tonight at Pianos are Karkwa from Montreal who you might remember won the Polaris Music Prize in 2010 for Les Chemins de Verres, the first-ever Francophone album to receive the award. Yes, that means they sing in French though that really shouldn't stop you from digging them. I've described them before as the French-Canadian Radiohead, which is reductive but gets you there. So if you can listen to Sigur Ros and not worry about what they're saying, you can do the same for Karkwa. Check out their video for single "Le Pyromane" at the bottom of this post. They play giant rooms in Canada so to be in a room as tiny as Pianos should be interesting.

Naked on the Vague, Trust, The Fresh & Onlys, Cuffs, Karkwa, Personal & the Pizzas & more in This Week in Indie

Article by Bill Pearis, Brooklyn Vegan, Posted in music | tour dates on April 22, 2011

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