Karkwa la grande réunion d'octobre 2017

Karkwa la grande réunion d'octobre 2017

Depuis la pause de décembre 2011

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samedi 18 septembre 2010

Which album is Canada's best of 2010 ?

Which album is Canada's best of 2010? The jury will announce its verdict Monday

(...) The international recognition is certainly growing. I mean, last year, we got a write-up in The New Yorker we never even attempted to get; it just showed up. In turn, it helps promote Polaris, which helps promote future nominees.

The beauty is, on our shortlist every year, some of our titles are already widely recognized, and, like the Mercury Prize, they're in the company of titles that aren't. Specifically, this year, for English Canada, there's a couple of Frenchlanguage records that deserve people's attention. So being in the company of more popular artists like Tegan and Sara and Broken Social Scene hopefully helps the likes of Karkwa and Radio Radio. That's by design, though we can't predict who's going to be on the shortlist; that's really up to the vote. We've been fortunate that it's usually worked out that way.

Read more: Bands battle for Polaris Prize by Larissa Liepins, Postmedia News September 18, 201

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