Karkwa la grande réunion d'octobre 2017

Karkwa la grande réunion d'octobre 2017

Depuis la pause de décembre 2011

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samedi 11 septembre 2010

Karkwa, The biggest band in Quebec right now

I headed across the street to the Agora Des Arts to catch the end of Karkwa's set. One of the festival organizers had told me they were "the biggest band in Quebec right now," and she wasn't kidding. The Agora was absolutely packed, more than any other show it had staged that weekend. Every seat was full, people were standing in the aisles and it was nearly impossible to see the stage.

I stayed for a bit and found the contrast between the jammy material on the band's earlier material and their more folky tunes on this year's Polaris Music Prize short listed Les Chemins De Verre album quite interesting. I was also really impressed with what I saw of their performance: singer/guitarist Louis-Jean Cormier has quite the stage presence.

Extract fromarticle " Sadies, Melvins Get Loud At FME 2010"  by Kate Harper (CHARTattack) Live Review 09/08/10

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Avertissement: Ce blog à pour but de regrouper et archiver les articles parus sur le net à propos de Karkwa. Il est fait par amitié pour les membres du groupe et leur entourage. Les liens vers les sites et articles d'origine sont faits, les auteurs sont cités lorsque possible. Si quiconque se sentait lésé dans ses droits, il n'aurait qu'a me contacter pour que je puisse remédier à la situation.