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jeudi 18 juin 2009

That are totally worth the listen

Let's Chat: Coeur de Pirate

The Singing Lamb: After all these years of learning about music and playing piano, what made you decide to start composing your own music? Was there a defining moment you can remember where you thought, "That's it, I'm going to start doing this!"


You sing in French; do you feel more comfortable expressing your lyrics in French as opposed to English? Would you ever switch to singing in English one day?

Right now I feel that I need to sing in French just because it's a beautiful language and it's not a very spoken one. It's what I am, and I do express myself better when it comes to songwriting when I do so in French. I'll dabble in English writing when I feel like it, I do it right now, just not seriously. I'd love to though and I love singing in English because it gives me more freedom vocally.

How do you feel about the francophone music scene in Canada? What are some French bands/artists that you think people should pay more attention to?

I think people have started to recognize some of our amazing bands for a little while. I'm taking Malajube as an example. There's also Karkwa, Pierre Lapointe and Ariane Moffatt that are totally worth the listen. We sing in french but we integrate both french and anglo influences in our music, so I guess that makes it interesting...

How has Montreal influenced you, musically and personally?

Yeah, of course it has. So many great musicians hail from Montreal. Just the city itself is enough inspiration for an album. I often walk around and see myself remembering many things just by passing by a street or being in a certain area... (...)

Extract from article by Melody Lau, The Singin Lamb, June 10, 2009

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